(Français) Vie sociale et alimentation saine + recette de jus de Noël
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Here's my ``universal`` recipe for summer when garlic scapes are abundant and fresh! I add some mostly everywhere (savory) in my raw or cooked dishes. Wherever I want memorable flavors...
May 2017 be a ``Grand Cru`` for you! -Chantale Roy, January 1st, 2017 Here's my video ``how to integrate more living food in 2017``. Many thanks for your presence and support in 2016. I have even more to offer this year...
Listening to Myself -Chantale Roy Sometimes people say that food sensitivity or intolerances and allergies are something you make up or...
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Turbulence Novembre 2016 Chantale Roy Ressentir, reconnaître, agir et assumer. De toute évidence, mon chemin de vie n’est pas en ligne droite. À moins qu’il le devienne, mais… Qui sait? Quoi qu’il en soit, le point de départ réside toujours dans cette chose galvaudée qu’on appelle le senti. En...
By Chantale Roy October 13, 2015, Chantale Roy It seems that we humans have this mischievous tendency to resist to change. The reason that manage to sneak among the mass of objections with which the ego repeatedly bombed our will in deserves an honorable title… If this strong...